The Library is the offshoot of the Supreme Court of Benin. The
library exists to provide a variety of resources, book and
non-book alike and ancillary services that support the
administration of justice and research.
In addition to the main library, there exist the following
separate collections:
a. The Justices Library
b. Chambers libraries;
c. A documents and government publications section; and
d. Serials collection
Each section of the subject library is manned by a librarian;
whose primary duties include: the development of the collection
and the provision of reference and information services to the
honourable Justices and other clientele.
Opening Hours
Monday-Friday 8.00 a.m. - 4.00 p.m.
The Library is closed weekends and public holidays.
Library Services
Library Lending Policy
a. All lending and returning of books and related materials are
done at the Justice library and the Reference section.
b. All materials borrowed from the library must be properly
c. Users are encouraged to make use of the materials within the
library. A user may borrow a library material for 24hrs in the
case of urgent situation. This is because a Hon. Justice may also
require it.
d. Readers are held responsible for all books borrowed with the
deposit of their identity card for the period of loan.
e. Serials cannot be borrowed.
f. Readers can reserve books that have been taken out on loan by
completing a reservation form at the circulation desk.
Reserving Books in Advance
Books, which are on loan to other readers, may be reserved in
advance by filling out reservation forms at the Circulation Desk.
The prospective borrower will be notified as soon as the book is
returned to the library. Books are normally held for two days. Any
book or library material reserved for other library client may be
given out if any of the honourable justices of the Supreme Court
of Benin requires it.
Inter-Library Loan
In special circumstances, books not in the Supreme Court Library
can be obtained from other libraries (within or outside the
country) on inter-library loan. Photocopies of articles in
journals not in the library may be ordered upon request by his
Reserved Reading
A collection of books and other information materials in great
demand is held on the reference section. Readers wishing to
consult items in this collection (on two hourly basis) could
borrow such items at the section by presentation of their ID card.
Reserved materials may not be taken out of the library except to
their Lordships.
Microforms and Audio-Visual Materials
The library will soon commence collection of microform materials.
The "Readers" and "Printers" for using these media are being
considered for purchase. With the increase request from outside
users to use the court’s library resources, the library is in the
process of acquiring a photocopying machine for users. Fee-based
photocopying of books and periodicals (subject to the copyright
law) is considered a priority.
Reference, Enuiries/Questions
Library users are encouraged to refer their inquiries to the all
Librarians. Please give concise and accurate information so that
we can respond as quickly as possible. We will answer your
question or refer you to an appropriate resource within
forty-eight hours.
The Public Catalouge
The Supreme Court Library has a card catalogue located at the main
entrance/reading area of the library. The catalogue is arranged by
Title/Author and Subjects. The catalogue cabinet will be phased
out soon with the current automation of the library.
Goverment Publications
The library’s collection is still modest and is housed in the
Archives Section. Under a co-operative acquisition programme
involving all Beninese.
Eligibility for Library Use
The library may be used by the following:
a. Honourable Justices of the Supreme Court of Benin.
b. Senior staff of the Supreme Court of Benin
c. Researchers authorised by Head, library services/Chief
d. Junior intermediate staff of the Court on the recommendation of
their heads of Department and approval of the librarian
e. Other persons who need to use the library and are authorized by
the Court Librarian.
Online Search
Librarians instruct and assist users in searching all databases
available through the Library's web page Online Public Acess
Catalogue (OPAC). The service is available only to Registered
users. Reference Staff also provide online searching for
registered clientele on Dialog databases.
Contact Information
Telephone: 00000000000000
Postal: The Director, Library Department, Supreme Court of Benin,
P.M.B. 308, Garki Cotonou